If you own a small boutique hotel or a resort somewhere exotic, you will already be feeling the pinch thanks to the global Covid-19 pandemic, and if your location is one where a lockdown is not in place, the chances are you are open for business. While digital marketing has always been important for every business, it is even more critical during the pandemic, as people prefer online shopping as there is no human contact, and when looking to book a holiday for next year, you should focus all your marketing efforts online and social media offers enormous potential.

Professional Social Media Marketing

Like most digital marketing strategies, social media marketing can be very complex, and if you run an ad campaign with Facebook, there are many variables to determine who sees your ad and who does not. If you make contact with an SEO agency, they would have a team of social media marketing specialists, and they would take control of your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, and start to post professionally written articles that are industry related. They would help you to create short video clips to introduce your staff and to highlight promotions and special events that are held at your resort.

Facebook Marketing

While it is possible to set up a Facebook marketing account yourself, unless you happen to be very knowledgeable regarding digital marketing, you are advised to leave this to industry professionals, who really know their stuff. Here is an informative article about the hospitality sector during the Covid-19 crisis, which is recommended reading for all hotel owners.

Event Promotions

When you have a Halloween night, for example, you can promote this via all of your social media pages, and with experienced staff who respond to online comments, you can be sure that your reputation will always be top-notch. Other festivals include Xmas and New Year, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day, which are all great business opportunities that can be announced on your social media accounts.

Discounts for Social Media Followers

If you advertise than all your Facebook followers will receive a special discount, this will encourage people to click on ‘follow’, and all your Facebook followers will see your posts on their feed. You could also offer a slight discount on drinks and your restaurant menu, which is another way to encourage non-residents to visit your establishment.

Customer Reviews

Why not encourage all of your guests to leave a comment or two about their stay, as this can be a very powerful guide to people who are looking to book but are unsure about the service. Of course, if there are any complaints, then these must be handled with care, showing that you really do care about the guest experience. The more positive guest reviews you have, the better, and with professional help, your social media accounts will become important avenues for generating business. Click here for up to date news on Covid-19 in Australia to find out what the situation is in your region.

If you focus your marketing efforts to digital solutions, you will reach a large volume of people, and social media can play a vital role in boosting your resort occupancy.

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