Design in Hotels is Essential

When it comes to design, Helen Schifter is a champion of the need to innovate and be creative. For interior designers, there are few venues as important but also conducive to creativity for design purposes, than hotels and resorts. The hospitality industry has traditionally been an industry that’s incredibly competitive – and that’s for good reasons.

With so many hotels and resorts for vacationers and the general public to choose from, the competition can truly become cut-throat in a relatively short period of time. According to Helen Schifter this is a very positive aspect to the industry that designers view from a very favorable point of view and standpoint. The perspectives of designers are different, she explains. But when push comes to shove, creativity and innovation will often win their hearts and minds over all else.

After all, designers are typically not in the industry in order to generate substantial monies. Instead, they’re in it because they view the space as an art of sorts. It’s no different than an artist, a painter or even an author. They view the ability to design a space – whether a hotel, hospitality outfit, retail store or private residence, as an opportunity to exercise their artistic and creative abilities.

The hotel industry’s competitiveness has proven to create an environment where designers feel inclined and motivated to do some of their best work. No matter whether you are attending a hotel on the domestic or international front, the point remains. These hotels are hot-beds for incredible design. Take a look at not only the way some of the bedrooms are designed; but also some of the bathrooms; the pools and the amenities.

Especially in hot-spots with warmer weather where people are motivated to vacation, the efforts that designers employ toward designing amenities is truly extraordinary. Some beautiful water-falls that have been integrated with pools for instance, are absolutely stunning. There are a few resorts that come to mind immediately, when considering this.

And of course, the lobbies. Lobbies are a wonderful opportunity for companies in the hospitality industry to seek to differentiate themselves. That’s always the key in the hospitality business. In order to properly go about developing these lobbies, designers look at other similar models and seek to not necessarily emulate those models; but look to them for artistic inspiration.

When a consumer or prospective consumer (perhaps more accurately put,) walks into a lobby of the hotel, the executive team of the hotel’s management needs to make sure that they are mightily impressed with what they see. After all, it’s their first impression that counts the most. It might be that the other parts and facets to the hotel aren’t even as aesthetically pleasing. Perhaps they’re not as attractive; but if you have a lobby that is properly designed, you will be hard-pressed to find prospective consumers that don’t effectively translate into overnight residents.

And ultimately, that’s the objective of any hotel company. You want to attract as many consumers as possible as guests. Ultimately, especially when economic conditions are depressed – that’s the way to ensure you will be able to generate adequate revenue to maintain your facilities in the desirable ways you wish. This will ensure your company and its stakeholders in turn, are impressed and adequately satisfied.